Darcy Monroe
Academic Counselor
Phone: 269-427-6800 ext 8315
[email protected]
The following are helpful links:
Completion Guide -
College Board Opportunity Scholarships -
Helpful Resources
- Student loan debt continues to be a growing issue in the U.S. and at nearly all schools in the country as the cost of college continues to rise. The following report is designed to help you learn which colleges are likely to limit student loan debt and which are likely to inflate it: https://lendedu.com/student-loan-debt-by-school-by-state-2019/
- The Sallie Mae Paying for College Resource is a new, go-to destination to help students and families make a plan to pay for college. The resource is free, easy-to-use, and includes great information on all the important paying for college topics: https://www.payingforcollegeresource.com/?dtd_cell=SMPLCADCOTDOOTOTOTHOTHRN010091
- Roadmap to Opportunity - Where will your path take you? Michigan has many high-demand jobs available that require a certificate or an associate degree to get started. Check out these hot jobs and see if one of these opportunities is the right path for you: https://roadmap2opportunity.org/
Scholarships, Admission, & Tour Opportunities
- Mount Vernon Nazarene University Recruitment Day is Sunday, November 10th - Prospective student-athletes will experience a tour of the MVNU campus and meet with current coaches and student-athletes. Register here: https://apply.mvnu.edu/register/?id=d720abf2-748e-40a7-b76a-f86cf5053e46
- MEA Scholarship - Eligible students must be a dependent of an MEA member or MEA-Retired member in good standing. Candidates must also be a graduate of a Michigan public high school or private high school that has an MEA bargaining unit. Eligible candidates can apply here: https://mea.org/mea-scholarship/
- Gannon University Hackathon Cybersecurity Competition - See if you have what it takes and unlock your potential here: https://hackathon.gannon.edu/
- Baker College Scholarships - see the following link for a list of scholarship opportunities: https://www.baker.edu/admissions-and-aid/tuition-and-aid/scholarships
- Central Michigan University - Students who have a 3.7 GPA and a 1260 SAT (27 ACT) score have the opportunity to compete with other top high school seniors for one of many full-ride or full-tuition scholarships to Central Michigan University. Upcoming dates for the Centralis Competition are October 26 and November 9th. Register at https://www.cmich.edu/admissions/undergrad/visit/Pages/Centralis.aspx
- Michigan Tour Guide Scholarship - Applicants must be currently enrolled at or planning to attend a four-year university, graduate program, community college, or trade school located in the continental United States. Find details here: https://www.thezebra.com/michigan-car-insurance/#ticket-cost
- Gettysburg College - Starting with next year's incoming class, students will be able to apply for the Eisenhower Scholarship - designed to recognize outstanding applicants who are positively transforming their communities. Find more information on this scholarship and other opportunities here: https://www.gettysburg.edu/admissions-aid/financial-aid-options/eisenhower-scholarship?utm_source=Listrak&utm_medium=Email&utm_term=https%3a%2f%2fwww.gettysburg.edu%2fadmissions-aid%2ffinancial-aid-options%2feisenhower-scholarship&utm_campaign=Merit+Scholarships+at+Gettysburg+College
- Verto Education - Verto Education now offers an Early Decision option for semesters abroad, as well as early admission to partner colleges. By applying Early Decision to Verto and partner schools, students can have their college plans as early as November. To learn more, RSVP to the upcoming webinar on October 1st here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScMdHFB5sYLLfmBCPc86wOngEmnPbn9_bi56prPK9rs-ypK0g/viewform
- United States JCI Senate Foundation Scholarship - Each year, the U.S. Junior Chamber International (JCI) Senate Foundation grants $1,000 scholarships to graduating high school seniors who plan to continue their education at accredited post-secondary colleges, universities or vocational schools. The Scholarship program for 2019-2020 is currently open, and the Word format application can be found using the following link: https://www.usjcisenate.org/programs/scholarship
- Lake Michigan College - Are you interested in touring LMC? Available tour dates include November 16, February 15, March 14, April 11, and May 16. Use the following link to reserve your spot in the tour that works best for you: https://www.lakemichigancollege.edu/student-life/campus?utm_campaign=090b3527ba-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_09_30_02_24_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Unknown%20List&utm_term=0_f42537beba-090b3527ba-154015193
- American Legion Department of Michigan Scholarships - Email applications to [email protected] or call 517-220-2754. Available scholarships can be found here: http://michiganlegion.org/scholarships/
- Rose Parks Scholarships - The application for the 2020 Rosa Parks Scholarships ($2,000) is now available at https://www.rosaparksscholarship.org/. The deadline for filing is March 1, 2020. Scholarship winners will be announced in mid-May.